For coating applications from 4–5 mils in thickness, the surface profile shall be a CSP 3. This is known as a light shotblast.
(Acid Etched)CSP 2
(Grinding)CSP 3
(Light Shot Blast)
Steel Shotblasting is the preferred method of mechanical preparation that cleans and profiles simultaneously. Shot Blasting strips thin coatings, removes contamination and laitance (soft concrete) to reveal a mechanical profile for improved bonding. This method is achieved by blasting a concrete surface with steel shot (small steel balls) at a high velocity. It is suitable for large and small areas. Shot Blasting delivers high production rates, dust free, dry and cost-effective. Excess shot must be swept-up after blasting and any dust is recovered by a powerful dust collection system.
Steel Shotblasting is the method of surface preparation recommended by most coating manufacturers and floor preparation contractors.
• Shot Blasting eliminates the use of expensive, non-eco friendly, harsh chemicals (muratic acid) and leaves the concrete floor with the desired profile without any chemical residue or time consuming cleanup.
• Shot Blasting is known for high production rates, wide abrasive selection and blast pattern accuracy.
• Shot Blasting lends itself to efficient disposal of dust and other contaminants.
• Shot Blasting can be performed outdoors and indoors.
• Shot Blasting can be accomplished with a ride-on, diesel-powered machine or a walk-behind, electric powered machine.
• For over 10 years, we've been serving the mid-west in both the concrete preparation and coating application aspects of the floor surfacing business
• Our shotblasting production capabilities are up to 30,000-40,000 sq/ft per shift
• We are a full-service preparation contractor for the concrete floor coatings industry
• Our equipment maintains a safe, dust-free environment
• Your schedule is our priority; Surface Prep is prompt and dependable all the time!
• Shot Blasting is effective on steel as well as concrete
• Shot Blasting can remove up to 1 inch of concrete
• Shot Blasting can be performed with little disruption to daily operations
The International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) has created a technical guideline #03732, “Selecting and specifying concrete surface preparation for sealers, coatings, and polymer overlays.” This guideline provides concrete surface profiles of CSP 3 to 9 which are used under the following conditions.
*International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) Concrete Surface Profile (CSP) Scale
The SCB-1200 features a removable dust containment box with wheels for ease of dumping. One handed operation controls for raising and lowering heads, speed and shot control. A state of the art blast head design allowing you quick blast wheel changes and a feathered blasting edge, which enables each successive path to overlap without excessive penetration omitting the "striping effect". The finished surface is ideal for thin-set applications or for use with clear coatings along with the power to give you an aggressive shot blast profile when needed. The SCB 1200 comes equipped with the B-1200 Blast Head. The optional accessory attachments are the SC-1200 Scarifying Head and the DG-1225 Diamond Grinding Head complete with diamonds.
After years of research, development and testing, B W Manufacturing, Inc. has produced the only mid-sized ride on shotblast/scarifying machine in the market today. The SCB-1200 gives you mobility and versatility by being able to switch back and forth between blasting, scarifying, and diamond grinding/polishing in just minutes.
The SCB-1200 features a removable dust containment box with wheels for ease of dumping. One handed operation controls for raising and lowering heads, speed and shot control. A state of the art blast head design allowing you quick blast wheel changes and a feathered blasting edge, which enables each successive path to overlap without excessive penetration omitting the "striping effect". The finished surface is ideal for thin-set applications or for use with clear coatings along with the power to give you an aggressive shot blast profile when needed.
Using the latest technology in EPA approved liquid cooled diesel engines and catalytic converter; you are far below any minimal emissions standards. With the use of state of the art components, compressors, electronic pulsation, hydraulics, and drives, the SCB-1200 is the most reliable and productive mid-sized surface preparation machine on the market today.